A Yuletide Wish – a poem

So it’s that festive time of year
When moods are high; we’re in good cheer
A time when blessings are duly made
When dodgy songs are radio played
All good taste goes out of the door
A tacky time unlike any before
With all that shines and glitters bright
We work all day and party all night
Presents bought for under the tree
And children’s faces light up with glee
A big fat bloke comes bearing gifts
A thousand Santas working their shifts
We make merry by displaying excess
(I’ll never fit into that party dress!)
A time for family, and time with friends
Endless TV repeats which never end
Another episode of Morcambe & Wise
We know the scripts; it’s no surprise
Christmas Carols sung from Kings
The smells and tastes and joy it brings
Then on the big day we tentatively creep
At the crack of dawn when we should be asleep
To see if Santa came to deliver
Toys and presents; in anticipation we shiver
He’s been! He’s been! My boy will cry
The lights go on, and he’s not shy
In opening gifts to oohs and ahhs
From uncles, aunts and his Grandmas
A delight to treasure, as his childhood unfolds
But how many years will the magic behold?
Will he always believe that life’s filled with treasure
Will future Christmasses, always be a pleasure?
For when reality truly defrosts
A little is gained. A little is lost
So cling to your Yuletide traditions
Whatever they may be
Be it glitzy or traditional
It’s what makes your family

Silverlight – a poem

We are all broken
It’s how the light creeps in
Seeping into the gaps
That form our persona.
Crazy paving for the soul.
Seeing the stars
Light the Milky Way
Induces dream-like musings.
And moonbeams direct
Our thoughts to the silverlight
That guide our dreams and tides
Ebbing and flowing
Through other worldly reality
Our personal nirvana.
Halcyon nights.
Where reality isn’t real
And all that we feel
Disperses in dawns early light
Colours are more vivid
And tastes, sweeter
The senses are awakened
As never before.
And the drudgery of daily life
Is expelled through dreams
And the silverlight within.